

Digitale Musik Edition / Digital Music Edition

Digital Music Edition - challenge and chance

For musicology the historical-critical edition of musical works takes a central role.
With the upcoming of digital media and models of digital edition techniques already established in philology also musicology should re-examine its concept of edition regarding new possiblities of digital representation.
Since 1998 an interdiscplinary research project directed by Professor Dr. Stefan Morent and in colloboration between the Departments of Musicology and Computer Sciences at Tuebingen University works on questions of digital editing of music.
The project cooperates with the musicological editions located at Tuebingen and the Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities at Stanford University [CCARH] and from 2007-2009 hold a grant from the German Research Foundation.

Further partners for collaboration are the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI), the Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen, the e-codices-project at the University of Fribourg and the SWR.


March 2012

Start of project e-sequence

The project has started and currently is in the state of developing the web-interface.

March 2012

Second part of grant application for project e-sequence successful

The Accentus Foundation/CH has permitted the second part of the grant.

June 2011

First part of grant application for project e-sequence successful

The Ernst Göhner Foundation/CH has permitted the first part of the grant. A decision for the second part is to be expected until November 2011.

April 2011

Grant application for project e-sequence

A joint project with the Stiftsbibliothek St. Gall and the e-codices-project at the University of Fribourg has been set up and grant applications sent to two Swiss foundations.
The e-sequence-project seeks to develop a multimedial digital edition of the St. Gall repertory of sequences.


Lecture Digitale Edition von Musik des Mittelalters. Herausforderung und Chance

within the colloquium of the Institut zur interdisziplinären Erforschung des Mittelalters und seines Nachwirkens [IEMAN]/Mittelalterkolleg "Hof und Kloster im Mittelalter"

University Paderborn


Lecture Digitale Editon mittelalterlicher Musik-Repertoires

within the meeting of the scientifc advisory board of the Corpus Monodicum/"Corpus einstimmiger Musik des lateinischen Mittelalters"

Akademie der Wissenschaften Mainz


LectureEncoding Medieval Music Repertories

Skype conference within the workshop Digital Music Notation Data Model and Prototype Delivery System – A DFG/NEH Bilateral Digital Humanities Program

University of Virginia, Charlottesville

07/ 05/ 2008

Early Music Editing: Principles, Techniques, and Future Directions

Stefan Morent will give a paper within the conference Early Music Editing: Principles, Techniques, and Future Directions at Utrecht University/The Netherlands on The TüBingen-Project: Digital Editing of Medieval Music.

Utrecht/NL, Sweelinckzaal, Drift 21, 3512 BR Utrecht, 10:15 am.

04/ 23/ 2008

Hildegard von Bingen into the Computer: Digital Editions of Early Music

Stefan Morent will give a paper within the conference Extending MEI: Early Music Notation, Web-based Visualization Techniques at Stanford University/USA by invitation of the Stanford Humanities Center on Hildegard von Bingen into the Computer: Digital Editions of Early Music.

Stanford, California/USA, Stanford Humanities Center, 424 Santa Teresa Avenue, 4 pm.

MedRen2007_1 MedRen2007_2
Stanford Humanities Center/University of Stanford:
Stefan Morent giving a talk on the TüBingen project
Meeting at the Center for Computer Assisted Research in the Humanities/University of Stanford:
Stefan Morent, Prof. Dr. Eleanor Selfridge-Field, Prof. Dr. Walter Hewlett, Perry Roland (left to right)

04/ 09/ 2008

Digital Music Edition (DiMusEd) - Challenge and Chance

Stefan Morent will present a paper within the conference Sacred Voices at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne/UK on Digital Music Edition (DiMusEd) - Challenge and Chance.

Newcastle upon Tyne/UK, School of Modern Languages
Beehive 2.20, Old Library Building, 4:15 pm.

12/ 06-08/ 07

Paderborn: Digitale Editing between Experiment and Standardisation

The Edirom project will be hosting a conference under the title Digitale Editing between Experiment and Standardisation at the Heinz-Nixdorf-Museumsforum in Paderborn.
Stefan Morent presenting the TüBingen project

11/ 09/ 2007

Graduate thesis Web-based Visualization Concepts for Digital Music Edition using meiNeumes

Gregor Schräder, research fellow within the TüBingen project, started his graduate thesis Web-based Visualization Concepts for Digital Music Edition using meiNeumes as a collaboration between the Departments of Musicology and Computer Sciences (Programming Research Group/Prof. Dr. Herbert Klaeren).

08/ 06/ 2007

Undergraduate thesis An XML data format for representing critical music editions with special consideration of neume notation

Gregor Schräder, research fellow within the TüBingen project, completed his undergraduate thesis An XML data format for representing critical music editions with special consideration of neume notation as a collaboration between the Departments of Musicology and Computer Sciences (Programming Research Group/Prof. Dr. Herbert Klaeren).
As a result the module meiNeumes has been developed, which will be integrated into the newest version of Perry Roland's MEI.

07/ 19-20/ 07

First meeting of the Study Group Music Encoding at Mainz

The first meeting of the Study Group Music Encoding was held under the auspices of the Mainzer Akademie der Wissenschaften from 19-20 July. Amongst the participants were Assoc. Prof. Dr. Stefan Morent and Gregor Schräder for the TüBingen project, as well as Dr. Gabriele Buschmeier (Union der Akademien der Wissenschaften, Mainz), Dr. Thomas Burch (Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließung in den Geisteswissenschaften, Trier), Prof. Dr. Kurt Gärtner (Kompetenzzentrum für elektronische Erschließung in den Geisteswissenschaften, Trier), Prof. Dr. Oliver Huck (Universität Hamburg), Dr. Roland Kamzelak (Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach), Johannes Kepper M. A. (Edirom-Projekt, Detmold/Paderborn), Dr. Andreas Kuczera (Union der Akademien der Wissenschaften, Mainz), Dipl. Wirt. Inf. Daniel Röwenstrunk (Edirom-Projekt, Detmold/Paderborn), Peter Stadler M. A. (Edirom-Projekt, Detmold/Paderborn), Prof. Dr. Joachim Veit (Weber-Gesamtausgabe, Detmold/Paderborn) and for MEI Perry Roland (University of Virginia, USA).
Further information and the minutes of the meeting can be found at the Forum Digitale Musikedition of the Mainz Academy.

07/ 09-10/ 07

Meeting IMS Study Group on Musical Data and Computer Applications in Zürich

Within the 18th Congress of the International Musicological Society at Zuerich there was also held a meeting of the IMS Study Group on Musical Data and Computer Applications. Chaired by Prof. Dr. Eleanor Selfridge-Field/CCARH Stanford various questions on music and digital media were discussed.
Stefan Morent presented the TüBingen project.
Program and abstracts at http://people.cs.uu.nl/fransw/StudyGroup
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