

Digitale Musik Edition / Digital Music Edition


Undergraduate thesis [Gregor Schräder]:
An XML data format for representing critical music editions with special consideration of neume notation
pdf download [4,7 Mb]
Stefan Morent:
Representing a Medieval Repertory and its Sources: The Music of Hildegard von Bingen,
in: Computing in Musicology. An International Yearbook/University at Stanford/Cambridge, Vol. 12 (2001), S. 19-31.
doc Abstract
Stefan Morent:
The Tübingen Project
Lecture at the Meeting of the Computer Study Group within the Congress of the International Musicological Society 08-10 July 2007 at Zürich.
pdf download [108 Kb]
Stefan Morent, Gregor Schräder:
TüBingen - Digitale Edition von Musik des Mittelalters
Lecture within the Internationales Meeting Digital Medien und Musikedition at the Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur 16-18 November 2006 in Mainz.
pdf download [1,7 Mb]
Minutes of the Meeting of the Study Group Music Encoding at the Akademie der Wissenschaften und Literatur 19-20 July 2007 in Mainz. pdf download [44 Kb]
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