
Notker the Poet

Sequences, tropes and Gregorian Chant from Saint Gall Abbey

In the 9th century St. Gall abbey was one of the most important cultural centers of the Carolingian era.

Ensemble Ordo Virtutum presents masterpieces of the most prominent poet-composers of the monastery, the monks Notker Balbulus and Tuotilo, working mainly in the field of sequence and tropus.

The program also explores some of the oral musical traditions living outside the official liturgy, as instrumental versions of the sequence melodies or Angilbert's moving planctus on the battle of Fontanet.

In addition the Old High German Ludwigslied retells the story of king Ludwig's III. victory over the Norsemen in the battle of Saucourt, which took place in 881, reflecting the permanent threats by Normans and Hungarians.

The beautiful manuscripts of Saint Gall abbbey are still preserved at the Stiftsbibliothek and can be viewed online via the e-codices-project.

Video about our just released CD on Notker Balbulus

"Aus der Interpretation der Neumen erschließt Morent einen melodischen Stil, dessen ruhiger Fluss immer wieder von kunstvollen Ornamenten durchdrungen wird. ... Die Musik vermag auch allein durch ihr klangliches "So-Sein" zu faszinieren."
Bewertung [großartig]
Bernhard Moorbach, rbb kulturradio

"Historisch präzise, abwechslungsreich und anrührend."
Johannes Salzwedel, KulturSPIEGEL

Further information:
  • Documentation including images and audio files on the website of SWR2

  • [-> Audio]

  • Program information:

    • 8 musicians (6 male vocalists, fiddle, harp)

  • Performances:

    • 28. 11. 2010, 10:30am
      Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen

    • 22. 05. 2001, 7pm
      Stiftsbibliothek Sankt Gallen

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